velafrica - Swiss bikes in Africa
Velafrica collects used bikes, repairs them and ships them to Africa. Every year, more than 22,000 bicycles travel from Switzerland to the South, making life easier for people there.
Swiss bicycles make it easier for people in Africa to access education and health care and open up economic opportunities. If you have a bicycle, you can transport considerably more and cover much greater distances. There is more time to learn or to cultivate the fields.
Velafrica not only transports bicycles to Africa, but also knowledge. Together with local partners, the non-profit organisation sets up bicycle workshops, conducts training courses and trains mechanics. Jobs and income opportunities are created in bicycle assembly, repair and distribution. In Switzerland, Velafrica works with social institutions that employ unemployed people and people with health impairments. The women and men in the partner workshops repair the bicycles and prepare them for transport. Integration work in Switzerland is thus linked to development cooperation in Africa.
The recycled bicycles from Switzerland are popular in Africa. They are more robust than bicycles from China, which are available on the local market, and often cheaper. But every bike needs repair and maintenance. Velafrica therefore trains bicycle mechanics, sets up workshops and ensures the supply of spare parts and tools. Jobs, training and income opportunities are created in the region. The population gains access to cheap and stable bicycles.
Velafrica works with local partners from planning to implementation. The goals are defined jointly. Both sides take responsibility for the success of the project. This also means that the bicycles are not given away but sold at a symbolic price. This avoids one-sided dependencies, strengthens the economic side and does not undermine the local bicycle industry.
Velafrica's partner in Tanzania, Nshamba, is the Vijana Bicycle Center (VBC). AIDS orphans learn and work in the VBC bicycle workshop of the youth centre. Since 2011, 37 young men and women have completed their training in bicycle mechanics. Swiss bicycles are sold under revised and controlled conditions. The profit flows back into the business or into a solidarity fund.
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Reportage im Auftrag des Magazins «Schweizer Familie» als PDF